Elevate Your Out-of-the-Office Email

In this age of instant communication, leaving emails unanswered can send the wrong signal. An auto-responder is more than simply a courteous touch. It shows professionalism, establishes expectations while you’re away and provides you with the mental space to completely unplug and enjoy your holiday.

Crafting Your Out-of-Office Message: The Essentials

Subject Line

Make it informative. Add a hint of your personality. For instance, “Gone Chasing Sunsets – Catch Me Later!”


Warm and friendly vibes are the key here. “Hello” or “Hi there” works perfectly.


Let them know you’ve received their email and appreciate their message. A simple “Thank you for reaching out” works like a charm.


Specify the dates of your absence. Transparency is key, so everyone knows when to expect your return.

creative ooo email templates

Alternative Contact

If you have someone to hold down the fort in your absence (for example, a virtual assistant), introduce them. This ensures that urgent matters are directed to the right person. Include their name, title, and contact details.

Personal Touch

Add a sprinkle of your personality. Whether it’s a touch of humor, a quote that inspires you, something useful, or a hint of wanderlust, let them feel your vibe.


End on a positive note. Express your anticipation of reconnecting upon your return.A simple “Looking forward to connecting!” adds a nice touch.

Creative OOO Templates for Solopreneurs

Here are a couple of ideas on what to say when you have no alternative contact:

TEMPLATE 1: If you’re completely out of reach

Hi there!

I’m currently out of the office until [date] and will be completely disconnected from my inbox.

I will respond to your message as soon as I’m back.

While you’re waiting, here’s something for you:
[Include something useful, i.e., a worksheet, tool, video, blog post, etc.]

All the best,

TEMPLATE 2: If you’re checking in occasionally

Hi there!

I’m currently out of the office and will be back on [date]. While I’m checking my emails intermittently, I may be a bit delayed in responding.

Please resend any messages that require my immediate attention with a subject line of “URGENT: [Original Subject].”

While you’re waiting, here’s something for you:
[Include something useful, i.e., a worksheet, tool, video, blog post, etc.]

All the best,